Who To Call For A Mold Inspection

When you discover mold in your home, your knee-jerk reaction can be to scrub away at the surface that contains the mold and conduct extensive Internet searches to find out the cause. This reaction often comes about because you aren’t sure who to call for mold inspection.

Break the Mold performs this work for Kalamazoo County and all surrounding areas as a local mold inspection company. We take the stress off homeowners’ shoulders and get to the bottom of the mold source. Our owner, John Sweeney, was born to do this!

Continue reading below to learn more about our background and expertise in mold and mildew clean-up and inspection.


As a company, we hold many certifications on healthy living situations and mold inspection. Some of them include:

  • CRMI – Certified Residential Mold Inspector

  • CCMI – Certified Commercial Mold Inspector

  • CMR – Certified Mold Remediator

  • Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC)

  • Successful Subrogation I

  • Wonder Makers Environmental

These certifications help us be a top mold inspection company in our region. We have all the necessary knowledge to accurately diagnose the issues individuals and businesses face due to mold and mildew.


Our company comes to you with years of experience in the field. Our owner, John Sweeney, tells the story of himself as a young boy who begged his parents to let him make his room in the basement. As years went on, John developed allergies and health issues and was under the care of many different doctors.

It wasn’t until many years later, after the family had moved to a new home, that his symptoms disappeared, and he came to the realization that his health concerns were a result of mold infestation in the basement. The same basement he had begged his parents to let him move into in the first place!

This experience propelled John forward into the place he is in today, helping others to eliminate dangerous and unhealthy toxins from their home. Therefore, when wondering who to call for mold inspection, Break the Mold is the most logical choice for those in the Kalamazoo, Michigan area.


As a direct result of John’s health issues as a child, a passion built up to help others in a similar situation. He went on to gain experience in both mold and mildew inspection and clean up, as well as pest removal. He also obtained certifications in water damage restoration, fire and smoke restoration, odor control, and methamphetamine lab clean-up.

It is safe to say that Break the Mold has a passion for ensuring the safety of those in their community, whether it be mold or otherwise.

Final Thoughts

While finding mold in your home can be scary and overwhelming, having a mold inspection company to help guide you through the process can take away the stress that you are facing.

If you find yourself in a similar situation and don’t know who to call for mold inspection, reach out to Break the Mold and get your inspection today!


Mold Remediation and Removal Services – Thoughts and Best Practices


Professional Mold Testing in Kalamazoo, MI