Professional Mold Testing in Kalamazoo, MI

When you see mold pop up in your home, the initial reaction that most have is to feel anxious. Not knowing if it’s dangerous or whether it poses a health concern can cause distress to households. Thankfully, Break the Mold offers a professional mold testing service for those around Kalamazoo, MI. 


Knowing that the service is available is one thing, but understanding the different testing processes is another. Depending on the location and type of mold, the route to identify the source will differ. Continue reading to learn more about the different kinds of testing we utilize at Break the Mold.

Spore Trap Analysis 

When using an air sample for testing, we often utilize a spore trap analysis to identify the genus and assess the background debris of the mold. Additionally, using this style of testing allows us to test the air quality of a home or business.


This test is non-culturable, meaning that there doesn’t have to be a waiting period to receive accurate results. This testing style typically comes with quick results, which allows us to formulate a treatment plan immediately. 

Direct Microscopic Exam

As a qualitative style test that is often performed with professional mold testing, we take a mold sample and review its features and specifications through a microscope. Using various magnifications and light, we can accurately diagnose the source of the mold, as well as type.


While this style of testing does not come with rapid results, it doesn’t have a lengthy turnaround time either. Using this type of testing will allow us to identify growth patterns and focus on the specific genus that the mold belongs to. Having this information will enable us to create a focused plan for resolving the issue.

ERMI Testing

At Break the Mold in Kalamazoo, MI, we offer professional mold testing that lines up with the Environmental Relative Moldiness Index (ERMI). This specific type of test compares the findings to 36 different molds to calculate a particular index number. Finding this information comes through the process of Mold-Specific Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction (MSQPCR).


While ERMI testing is not used extensively throughout the United States, it is a helpful research tool that helps identify mold contamination in homes more accurately. Having a high level of detail in findings allows technicians to customize treatment plans more effectively.

In Summary

Although the moment you discover a new mold in your home can be anything but reassuring, knowing that companies like Break the Mold offer professional mold testing brings peace of mind. As a top provider of testing and treatment services in Kalamazoo, MI, Break the Mold offers high-quality testing strategies to identify the source and treat it accordingly.


If you find yourself in this situation, don’t panic. Instead, reach out to schedule a time for us to check it out. Our prompt turnaround will have your situation cleared up and your house back to normal in no time. Contact us today for your professional mold testing needs!


Who To Call For A Mold Inspection


Mold Inspection and Testing in Kalamazoo MI