No-Hassle, Safe Mold Remediation in About a Day
The presence of mold in your home can be stressful. Getting rid of it won’t be, when you call Break the Mold.
With 10+ years experience in the mold remediation business, John “The Mold Guy” Sweeney makes sure the mold is absolutely destroyed in the areas that are treated, guaranteed! Plus, he shows you how to avoid problems in the future.
Break the Mold will schedule an on-site inspection at a time convenient to you. The visual inspection itself takes about 45 minutes. While you’re not required to be there, it’s very helpful if you are.
Based on the visual inspection, John will develop a guaranteed plan specific to your home. This customized plan includes addressing root causes of the mold as well as treatment steps to get rid of the mold and prevent it from coming back.
Some moisture problems are a result of structural factors like a leaky basement or inadequate ventilation. If these issues are discovered during the inspection, you can be informed of them and determine what’s needed to fix the source of the problem. If this happens you have choices:
Fix the problem yourself.
Hire a contractor on your own.
Have Break the Mold hire and direct a trusted contractor who is experienced in fixing moisture problems.
This involves getting rid of affected materials and destroying mold.
Spray/Foam Application – sprayed directly on areas with mold. The biodegradable foam breaks down naturally with no harmful byproducts. More than just surface cleaning with disinfectants, deep cleaning (total source removal). Leaving behind a contaminate free surface.
Appearance Enhancement – where needed, reduce or eliminate mold staining.
Clean the air – a gas/fog/mist treatment used to treat mold spores and mycotoxins in the air not visible to the naked eye.
This next step is installing the automatic controlled ventilation
Only ventilates when the outside air is drier than the “inside air”
The system runs on 12 volt DC current and costs about $25 per year to run.
Treat surface – spray (clear or white) directly on wood attic decking.
Long Term Protection
Water Resistant
Mold resistant
A typical mold remediation treatment takes 4 to 8 hours. During that time, you and your pets will need to be out of the home.
When we leave, your home is healthier and safer, guaranteed.