What Does it Mean to Sanitize Your Home?

Dictionary.com defines “sanitize” as to make something free from dirt, germs, etc. as by cleaning or sterilizing.  Another definition is “to make something less offensive by eliminating something objectionable or unwholesome.”  And that’s exactly what homeowners want to do when they discover mold in their abode.

Break the Mold’s remediation system safely and quickly addresses any type of mold you may be dealing with.  The system specifically sanitizes against E. Coli and Listeria monocytogenes.   These organisms can cause unpleasant and even dangerous illnesses such as diarrhea, pneumonia, and kidney failure https://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/food-poisoning/what-is-e-coli#1 .  The Listeria bacteria can cause severe illness including sepsis, meningitis, and encephalitis—even death https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Listeriosis.

Here’s how to stop mold before it starts:

  1. Fix kitchen, bath and other plumbing leaks immediately.  Then take action to completely dry anything in the area that’s been wet.

  2. Remove visible mold from non-porous, hard surfaces by scrubbing, then drying completely.

  3. Soft, absorbent building materials and household items may need to be thrown out if they’ve gotten wet.  It’s difficult to completely sanitize this type of object. Dangerous mold can be difficult to clean on your own because it hides in carpets, wood, drywall and ceiling tiles.

  4. Preventatively increase ventilation in known moist areas like bathrooms.  Install a quality vent fan properly or crack open a window.

Most importantly, know when to call in the professionals.   Large-scale water damage and flooding require the eye of a professional.  If a wet, moldy item is expensive or has a high sentimental value, a mold expert will be able to determine if the item can be cleaned safely.  Break the Mold provides safe, affordable treatments.   When in doubt, make the call to the Mold Guy at Break The Mold at 269-359-0822!


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Ahhhh, Spring!